spox codes

Miasma - Cloud Models


New Ruby cloud API library with a specific purpose.

Cloud Infrastructure API

I’ve been using fog for a long time, and have added a few different features to the library including:

One of the great things about fog is that it support everything cloud which means it’s super handy for interacting with various APIs. Especially where certain cloud features may be available via the API but not an existing UI, it’s very simple to jump into an IRB session and start running.

Cloud API coverage is a very important feature within the fog library. Yet, some times coverage of all features available within a specific API is not important. At times the power that comes from consistency can be greater than that of coverage.

Cloud Models

Fog includes the concept of infrastructure resource models. The concept is pretty simple. Define a model for a given resource, then wire in the provider. I’ve used the File and Server models with relative success, and the concept is sound. Having built out the knife-cloudformation plugin targeted at AWS, common models really make sense to prevent lots of provider specific code branches.

Orchestration model

With the addition of the Heat service within OpenStack the need for generic models was highlighted. If a generic model had been used for knife-cloudformation, the addition of Heat support would have been as simple as the provider compatible implementation. Fog had an Orchestration model some what defined, but it was only within OpenStack.

So I built out the abstract model and worked AWS CFN and RS orchestration support into them:

Once these models were in place, knife-cloudformation was updated to use the generic models, and multi-provider orchestration support was achieved. It cost some features previously available within the knife plugin, but they were mainly informational features that could be focused on later. The important milestone was actually using the same code base for interacting with multiple providers.

Now we have working multi-provider knife orchestration plugin, but it’s not really usable. It’s usable, but not easily. It requires a custom Gemfile with multiple custom github references. Internally, and on a small scale, that’s kinda managable. Yet, on any larger scale that’s a non-starter. The changesets within the pull requests are large, and uses a slightly different modeling approach than in the past (making use of fog-core for generic model definition). And there’s the matter of a lack of tests, mainly due to discussions of migrating test suites but no concrete examples of abstract tests (defined within fog-core) and their corresponding concrete implementations. Trying to make PoC abstract tests, keeping the PRs up-to-date and still pushing forward the libraries using these new models ended up being too much.

I’ll make my own cloud lib, with blackjack…

The knife plugin has/had a subcommand for stack inspection. Ideally, it’s to be used for getting real information from the stack resources information. In the AWS specific version I had implemented custom flags for doing direct actions (like getting node IP addresses from auto scale groups). Moving to generic models meant that I should be able to do this in much the same way as the orchestration work was done. Use generic models and get provider specific support under the hood. But the models don’t all follow the same API. Some models provide extra methods that other models don’t implement at all, or are structured in incompatible ways making them provider specific models. It was here that it felt like the rabbit hole I was running down to get the behavior I was after was just growing too big to keep a handle anymore.

I found myself thinking “I should build my own library”. And then, “this is a horrible idea”. Yet, some times starting from scratch allows certain freedoms that aren’t available when you have to worry about breaking changes and keeping things backwards compatible. It also allows for changing core implementations and I have ideas about some great changes. Still though, “this is a horrible idea”. Some times horrible ideas can have great results.

Miasma started like many of my PoC libraries:

  • Annoyance of current state
  • Weeks/months of mulling over different approaches
  • Architecture ideas forming and getting thrown away

With all this culminating into a few evenings after work with a cold beer laying out the “horrible idea”. And after the skeleton is defined and a handful of helpers are implemented it starts to move from “horrible idea” to just “bad idea”. With this fresh core implementation we get some pretty great things:

  • Model down approach
  • Light weight library
  • Simple access points for provider specific implementations

Instead of attempting to support the cloud API of the provider, we start at the model, and make the provider support the model. This simple reversal ensures we keep a consistent model regardless of the underlying provider.

We also get to re-pick our underlying libraries, which is an important part of the new implementation. Nokogiri which is an awesome library provides a lot of pain when it’s a hard requirement. The need for build tools, and the time required for compilations start to compound as it becomes a requirement within deployed tooling. So, lets make it an actual choice! With multi_json allowing for lazy requirements on the JSON library, we’ll use multi_xml to do the same for the XML library.

Slowly moving from “horrible idea” to “bad idea”, all these internal implementation changes keep nudging the scale. Yet, all these things are just abstracts. At this points we could be hovering around “neutral idea”. Everything sounds awesome in theory. Concrete implemenations actually make it awesome. So lets make some awesome.

Miasma Compute

So I started with an AWS compute provider. Low hanging fruit for the PoC. Well, not really. AWS signature v4 is kind of a pain. And that took some cycles getting everything formatted correctly, and the signature correct. Good for “experience” but not super helpful if this doesn’t pan out. Oh well, onward and upward!

With the signature4 implementation done, it took about 30 minutes to get the API parts implemented for the basic compute model. Great! Now we need another provider to actually validate this modeling approach is valid. So lets lay down a Rackspace provider. Cycle to get RS authentication in working order, and spend an hour getting the implementation done, and reworking some things that weren’t really generic.

End result: concrete awesome!

Not a horrible idea (reclassification)

So now the benefits of starting from scratch are showing. It’s proving that we get some great things. So lets power forward! And now we have a new model based cloud API library that’s starting to come together.

In Action

require 'miasma'

compute = Miasm.api(
:provider => :aws,
:type => :compute,
:credentials => {
compute.servers.all.each do |srv|
puts "SRV #{srv.id} -> #{srv.address}"

and we can swap out to OpenStack, and all that changes is the compute configuration:

require 'miasma'

compute = Miasma.api(
:provider => :open_stack,
:type => :compute,
:credentials => {
compute.servers.all.each do |srv|
puts "SRV #{srv.id} -> #{srv.address}"

The library itself is still in a beta state. Some models are still yet to be defined, but they are quickly getting implemented. The knife-cloudformation plugin has been migrated fully over to this new library, which had the added feature of being able to cut a proper release as it removed the custom Gemfile requirement. \o/